As I get older
I am realizing
I do not know what to do with my eyebrows
I am realizing that I have loved other people’s bodies more than my own
Who gets to say what beauty is?
Whose body is not complicated
Whose mind is not complicated
I need a name to put to my pain
We tell the pretty girls
That women are jealous of you
I can make candles out of orange peels
But I cannot do my eyebrows
I went from wanting a
“Rich boys buy me shit body!”
To wanting a
“Can my back stop hurting for no reason kinda body”
I can make candles out of orange peels
But I cannot do my eyebrows
I went from wanting a
“Rich boys buy me shit body!”
To wanting a
“Can my back stop hurting for no reason kinda body”
It’s funny how my Mother always tells me what to eat
When all she does is eat her young
Tell me when I gain weight
Don’t tell me when I lose it
Don’t tell me how soft my skin is
Tell me to cover my arms
Don’t tell me to embrace you
How many of us women are in a bad mood
Because we are starving?
My hips are cushions
Come rest your head
Brains, Body, Beauty
The Holy Trinity
When is enough - enough
When will I be enough
I want someone to look at me and want me
Speak to me and want me
Touch me and want me
But what do they want the most?
I want my food to be as tasty
as my body
No matter what you create with your mind
It’s nothing like what you create with your body
A woman is never the same person again
Do you have smooth thighs
Do you have a smooth face
Do you have smooth thoughts
Let’s give the female misogynists something to talk about
And the purposeful music plays
It takes so much time to change your body
Tell me when the time disappears
If I were a chubby child would you not love me
If I were a chubby cat would you not love me
If I were a chubby dog would you not love me
Or is it because you think I should know better
When really what I should know is a better love
Diet is a four letter word
If I do this will I be happy
Will my life be better
Will I be healthy
Or should I just pray
But then I would have to fast
I rather take a bite of the Devil’s Food Cake
The Dangerous Skunk
No matter how I dress
No matter how many exercises I do
Surgeries I have
No matter how flawless my skin is
Breathless the hair
It all doesn’t matter
If I don’t smell good
It just puts people in a bad mood
I bet every supermodel has said
“Why did I ever let you touch my perfect body?”
If they only comment when you gain weight
And never compliment when you lose it
If they only comment when you have a spot
And never compliment when you are glowing
If they only comment when you are lethargic
And never compliment you when you train
If they only comment when it doesn’t fit
And never compliment you when it fits just right
Tell them they are only the rain
And you are the rainbow
My body and my mind are the same but different
If only I had that control
What my mind wants
The body ignores
Yet it constantly craves attention
Seeking from me
What my mind cannot give
My body is the purest form of art
Inspired by an elder
Valuable due to the imperfections
My hips create Melodies
With the rolls of a thespian
I use to watch horror and war movies
With the tangled bodies and torn off heads
Until I realized what a body needs most is
The villains in my life
Have been all who have expected something that I could not give them
Never accepted me for me
I owe a debt to my body
Most hurtful question I ask myself
Am I alone because of the way I look?
Internally haunted
Externally exposed
The bikini blues
Do I only ever care about beauty
I learned to accept myself and then life became beautiful
Ode to the used beauty and bootie
Why did I care more about looks than being intelligent
My body is not for everyone
I am not for everyone
Only I bleed, when I am cut
Time for me to heal
The Scheme
I will get a new body
And they will love me
I will get a new face
I will get clearer skin
And they will love me
I will wear sexy clothes
And they will love me
I will get a new hair do
And they will love me
Money will come
Love will come
Pleasure will come
Friends will come
While integrity goes away
I will invite then invite them into my
house of candor
that I built from the outside in
Ugly doesn't like me
Someone prays for you
You lie to me
I tell you the truth
I lie to myself
My body tells me the truth
One thing cosmetics can't stop
Never forget to say....
I'm sorry
Let's share
You are beautiful
Thank you
I love you
Your Welcome
If I could make my body out of Artificial Intelligence
I would give a fake heart
So that it could never be broken
If I could make my body out of Artificial Intelligence
I would give a fake heart
So that it could never be broken
With an Afro that looked like the clouds
I prayed for hair that fell down my shoulders like rain
Never appreciating my body that is a river of rainbows
People think if they have the perfect body
They will vibrate higher
Life will be more exciting - fabulous
Get your mind right
Because it can also cause a lot of depression and anxiety
Every family has a Jesus they sacrifice,
I just sacrifice my thighs
I have outgrown my body from the past
Will I live up to the one in the future?
As a woman with a beautiful face and thick body
Why does society make me feel like a flightless bird
I love my body because it takes me to you
I will drink the hot tea
From Tim Hortons
Then give you a Canadian Blow Job
With my hot mouth
Hoping you will call me beautiful
And touch my round body
Give your body,
Hope, Truth and Love!
I want to be skinny,
I also want the ocean to be made of sugar not salt.
Happy Valentines!
My body is a kindness
For pleasure
I didn't care about my mental health
Or physical health
Until I felt like you were experimenting on me
While some women look at their bodies as a momento mori
I look at it and say "Remember you must love!"
Why do we put an expiration date on women
Why do we say "She was beautiful when she was young"
Why are my wrinkles not appreciated as much as the ridges on a mountain or the taste of
a finely aged wine
I can now write the instructions
Body type 1 - People will approach me and I could talk to them
Body type 2 - I will approach people, talk to them and they will see how nice I am
Sometimes I regret not having a thinner body
But I definitely don't feel guilty about it
Sometimes I regret not having a thinner body
But I definitely don't feel guilty about it
Soften your life
I never understood people who talk to children like their adults
And to adults like they are children
Just like I never understood people who speak to curvy people like they should be thin
And thin people like the should be curvy
The things I do for a bad habit
I cannot hold onto my body
Because so much has been stolen from me
I cannot hold onto my body
Because so much has been stolen from me
I have these bad habits
And the things I do for and because of the bad habits
I really want to turn these bad habits into good habits
And I also have good habits, but people don't seem to care about those
They never care about what I am good at
Tit for Tat
He said she said
What I said about you
What did you say about me
Shit Talking
My Luvbody carries me
Pleasant and Present
I said, I am nothing but trouble
He said, I am trouble too
I guess that's too much trouble
God may be my influencer
But my body is the Devil
Can I copy and paste your body onto
My dreams
No money, more problems
Everything goes up, but your pay
Just make it painless
You have your hands full of love
Love body
Another Misanthropic adventure with my
I am a natural
But I need to relax
I want a job where I can be wrong %100 of the time
Give me some ad vice
Authorize this form later on tonight too blindly follow u
Everything goes up but the pay
Avoid the drafts, not the draughts
I am a natural
But I need to relax
Auntie soon listen
My overthinking leads to debts sinking
God is my influencer, but I am married to the devil, but sometimes I get distracted, This
whole world, should have been for the puppy dogs
Its all about what they can say,
Not about what they can do
Do you love what's convenient
Trying to find what helps and doesn't hurt
What is the difference between a miserable rich person and a happy poor person
You can breath with me
mathematical doesn't equal psychological
Heavy people don't think everyone should be heavy
Slim people think everyone should be slim
Show me someone who is tight and secure
other than food what do you bring to the table
All the best
I could point out problems, cause problems but I'm not allowed to solve them
They are not available but they are available
That's the problem when your on to something and good at the job
I need to add time without the suffering
They don't want me living hear
And they don't want to let me go
Make time
Who are you friends with if you don't have a job
God keeps calling me
The earth is glowing
We are just renting this earth
Maintain yourself
Maintain the monologue
Maintain the act
Time to maintain
In my feels
Are you tight with me?
What is time good at?
What is a good addiction?
The negative verbosity?
Haunted or Hunted?
They tell me I have to follow the order but I can skip steps
Go away
Be honest
Don't go to far
This world was made for puppy dogs and kittens they just cannot maintain themselves
Who makes the mess
Who cleans it up
Who solves the problem
I run in slow motion
The oil runs turns out the pores
The jungle in screens
There is know/no equation for our time together
Give thanks, playing chess for me
This time, stains care
She said I would not be prosperous until she died
My life went from a nightmare to a horror movie
You are stepping all over my time
Are you open?
Drowning in my thoughts
Ajarred by possibilities
Is our time too short or not long enough
Blame the person you stole from
Can u sue a person because you stole from them and did not like/understand/value what
you stole?
Can you sue a person because you stole from them and did not like/understand/value
what you stole?
Like time spent
Understand time spent
Value time spent
You need to acknowledge what I am saying
The non-acknowledgement, acknowledge what said/what's right/write
You know something's up
What's said
No for Know
I have an Actknowlegment Disorder
How do you tell people to go fuck themselves without telling them to go fuck themselves
My Mom
Ignores me
Puts me down
Makes demands
Insults me
Steals from me
Does not love me
Then wonders why I do not talk to her
and expects care
My heart tells me
Know/No beauty gets left behind
Know/No knowledge gets left behind
Know/No love gets left behind
You are adorable
She talks like music
She speaks like music
She feels like music
She is the music
Just want solutions, that's your problem
Just want problems, that's your solution
Can you go anywhere you want
Or do you get left behind?
Love does it last forever or does it wash away
The barefoot radiance
The barefoot tap dance
You are stepping all over my time
Stepping all over my words
She talks like music
She speaks like music
She feels like music
She is the music
You got me feeling you, feeling you
What the friends stay for
To be telling you, telling you
That your in for more
No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies,
My Mom just told me to take care of myself
I use to love rainy days until I had to smoke outside
In rain, sleet or snow
I remember the air being much fresher and the sky being much bluer as a child
Now I inhale all the poisons and feel calmer
Contemplating another decision
To change for you
If you change for me
Here I am again lost in you,
Consumed by the thought of a taste
The cost of tissues
The damaging touch
Almost lost u
My beautiful baby
See you, first and always
So you can yell at how many tissues I used
All I think about is love
And what did not
Better to wish you were in the air on the ground
Than on the ground in the air
Y ou know how to tell my secrets
You can't be with me this evening
When take is never enough
All too think about is love
And what did not
The exceptional acceptance....
Providing diamonds gems of joy, your fractions of feathers, Divide us, Who owns the
Who owns the trees?
Who owns the flowers?
Who owns the dirts?
Who owns the power?
Saved or Stolen or Harmed?
Thank You Angels for protection
When you have just had it
I have been
Too Skinny/ stick thin
Too Fat
I was just
Too Me
Tell the beautiful ones, someone is jealous of u
Tell them too be disciplined in love
to be modest
For you to love me?
The fine line for a woman j
To choose between being
Confident or humble
To be a beautiful painting/statue
With muted colours
Ugly in, beauties out
Ugly in, uglies out
judging by the cover
doing a barefoot tapdance
Everyone has the right to say NO
Yes means coming into your own
Every family has a Jesus they sacrifice
I just sacrifice my thighs
Ourselves, the coupon childs
Nothing as it seems
Pigeon holed
Did not know, had no rights
The sciences of laws
My life is a nightmare turned into a horror movie
Escaping the crazy house
House of horrors
And charged for the same thing several times
Standing alone
Reading Receipts!
Admitting to naught
Ohh, the movement, the patterns, it figures
Naughty will be, and naughty will come in
Available if you want it
Says things you can nought see
Treated like garbage, because know wasting/wasted time
Was alone/asexual like a plant
Let the vultures fly away to find another
No history
No speech, No knowing industry, No home
If It's not yours, and its not mine, it goes in the refuse/trash
You'll just never get it again
Trying to tell the difference between a good man and a good enough man
As I lay on a bed of dying roses, he tells me his passions, but not his secrets
He then holds my gaze with sweet brown eyes and utters no words
What are you thinking, should I be able to tell
Living with parents....
When it comes to money I'm an adult
When it comes to everything else, I'm a child
Woke up one morning and did not recognize myself
The mind of an adult can it be changed, better to think like a child
My age is my second number
That secret taking to the grave
Wearing a dress made of teabags
The fragrant offerings
Why didn't I do that vs Why did I do that
You cannot win
My Mom wants me to have regrets
Sometimes I regret ever being born
With a face as luminous as the sun
My skin holds the craters of the moon
My colour, brown as the earth
And the tears, you gave me for my elements
As deep as the oceanIf you knew my body’s story
You would look at it differently
Maybe even accept it
And when you do
Tell me how
Tell me when I gain weight
Don’t tell me when I lose it
Tell me when I get a new wrinkle
Don’t tell me how soft my skin is
Tell me to cover my arms
Don’t tell me to embrace you
I will never be that girl
That girl with the perfect body
Because she exercises at the crack of dawn
Says no to fat, sugar, salt and meat
Wears designer clothes in a size 0
Gets mistaken for a ballerina, model or actress
Has perfect thighs with no dimples and is not frightened by a bikini
Has glass skin and has never known a blemish
Seemingly never ages because “Black don’t Crack!”
Cares more about her looks than intelligence
Cares more about intelligence than
If I do not have the body I want because I am lazy
Why am I so exhausted
I just want to die happy
In a body I love and accept
Food shouldn't be painful
I echo souls and scents
Unseen too/two eyes
Pretty canyons
Between legs and beauty
The Clothing Store
Where every woman learns that life is not fair due to a reflection
The ice in Antartica is not as cold as those mirrors
Hot sauce
Food should not be painful
As the time gets shorter, the space gets smaller
The space for patience, time for grace
Accepting the realness
At what cost?
Too expensive or too cheap
It's not legal, not religious, just medical
If it does not belong to you or to me
Getting lost sounds a rousingly sexy
Right now
Glared, clocked and spied with my little eye
The overhead conversations
A little too much for me
Tell me again how you influenced the language
With the all consuming love
when you are on fire
As I get older
Do I tell my secrets or keep them
Do I need love or do I not need love
If I didn’t ask your advice about my body don’t give it
That’s between me, God and my doctor!